Monday, May 24, 2010

Fridge Clean Out Week

We are headed to Boston this weekend to visit some friends and for a long over-due break from the world. I recently finished up my internship for grad school and the accompanying 60 hour work weeks plus classes. We deserve a little break. In preparation for such, I am not going grocery shopping. The first food box comes at quite an odd time as we will be gone 4 our of the 7 days, though most likely I will just leave a little more with my food box partner, G, if that is the case. I have no idea how many greens to expect. So, for no grocery shopping, here is a look at my fridge currently: Well, I suppose more my fridge last night (the strawberries are half gone thanks to lunchs). My plan for the week: M- leftovers- I will have the pfchangs and the hub will have a concotion I just devised using leftover casserole comprised of black beans with jerk seasoning, tomatoes, and green chilies topped with cornbread. I found the poblano peppers in the veg drawer, split them open, and stuffed them with mashed up casserole with some added jalapeno also found in the drawer. For a lovely topping, some sharp cheddar cheese that is on it's last leg. Hopefully the hubs likes it, though anything mexican and/or spicy is a-ok in his book. T- Lentil Salad (using the beets in the bottom drawer, carrots there as well, and spinach. W- Leftover risotto, fake chicken nuggets, and salad (notice the salad trend here?) Th- Taco Salad (using up the guacamole in the drawer, salsa up top, sour cream up top. That should likely make my fridge look pretty bare ;) Recipes to follow this week.

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